Young mother killed by Pfizer VAXX poison injections

6 months ago
"We are deeply saddened by the sudden passing of our dear friend Lisa Manting Fu. She was a generous and active member of the school Parent Association, an avid marathon runner, an intrepid traveller and a thoughtful friend. Her intense work ethic, sense of community & volunteerism, and her good humor were always inspiring to be around. Her cooking was phenomenal, and she found joy in introducing friends to her Chinese culture through her cooking. At the same time, she always found unique ways to celebrate multicultural holidays with all her diverse friends. Lisa had that rare trait of remaining quiet until *just* the right moment, when she would chime in with something important or witty in any conversation. She was an incredible mother, wife, daughter, sister and friend who could be described as being the glue that brought and held everyone together. To say that she will be missed is a deep understatement. We ask our wonderful close community for help in supporting her husband Chris and their daughter Mackenzie at this unimaginable time.
May 12, 2023
by Valerie Zimmer, Organizer
Friends, in less than 24hrs we've reached and surpassed our goal, twice! No amount is too small, and every bit helps soften the immediate financial blow of funeral expenses. Please share with your networks. I've been blown away by the incredible generosity of total strangers who were not lucky enough to know Lisa. THANK YOU from Lisa's friends, family, Chris and Mackenzie!"

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