Black Hole Sun and the Shadow Universe

9 months ago

Interesting Concept: The Black Hole Sun is the portal or the gateway to the Shadow Universe.

In the Shadow Universe - Everything is based off of Race and Time.
Race=Skin Color or Social Ranks

In the real-world time doesn't exist.

Curiosity is what got Alice trapped in the Shadow Universe. When she enters the rabbit hole, it symbolizes the black hole which takes her from the timeless world to the world of time. Everything now gets inverted as she enters into the upside-down world.

The land of time = the Matrix. The World of Chaos were everything is upside. Checker Floor - initiated into the game of time - which is popular in the illuminati - representing mind control so they can control the soul.

The checkerboard is an optical illusion -- we are constantly being programmed. If they can control your beliefs and your perceptions this is what puts us in the state of Light Code Lockdown - meaning impossible for DNA ascension.

We are in a Holographic Universe which keeps us in a certain frequency and low consciousness. What we believe is the reality we experience, it is what we manifest. Everything is about consciousness - low consciousness - light code lockdown and high consciousness = ability to wake up, DNA receives the light codes.

Light Codes are like instant knowledge downloads, in which you instantly KNOW. Our belief systems influence consciousness. A low consciousness will choose a Self-Destructing path.

The Aliens -- Anunnaki - Enki, Anu and Enlil have hijacked this realm and they use us by manipulating our beliefs to manifest the reality that they want and they loosh our energy to keep us at a low vibration.

They have to create constant falsehoods, constant illusions via propaganda to keep us trapped in their narrative which allows them to enslave us in the matrix.

This women is so right according to my beliefs -- everything is happening right now because the collective consciousness at the majority percentage or level is still at a low enough vibrating level to allow the evil ones to maintain this grand illusion. But when the collective wakes up enough and crosses that threshold, that is seriously when the light exposes the dark and our perceptions change, our beliefs change and this is when REALITY changes. This is when our DNA is open to the Light Codes, consciousness expands significantly, and ascension becomes possible, thus we escape the 3D matrix.

We don't have to worry about what politician will get elected - if we just wake up and receive the truth, our reality changes and it will change pretty fast. People see no way out right now as the NWO - Illuminati have control of all departments of government in every country. It doesn't matter, if we continue to wake up they are done for and they know this which is why they are working extra hard right now with the pandemics, emergencies, their mass shootings, their wars, their chemtrail spraying, their food poisoning -- it is all to distract and make us sick so we are dependent on them. The want us looking at them at all times to keep us in their desired hypnotized trance. If we look elsewhere we might begin to wake up. That is the purpose for distractions.

SOURCE: themessenger6660 --

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