Somebody Come & Look At This 🤣🤣 | Check Description

6 months ago

Somebody Come & Look At This 🤣🤣

From a fellow Anon..

Social media algorithms are like digital AR-15s, they’re pulling people into “Qanon” rabbit holes, and Al Gore wants them banned.

“They are the digital equivalent of AR-15s. They ought to be banned. They really ought to be banned. It's an abuse of the public forum.”

It gets better:

“Qanon is the best known version of Artificial Insanity”

Soooo, not genuine insanity. This is great news, you guys!

I wonder why these folks are so threatened by BaSeLeSs cOnSpiRaCy tHeOriEs.

(Also, does he even know what an algorithm is? 😆)

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