12/8/23 Declaring Spiritual Realities and Activating Supernatural Power ❤️

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Declaring Spiritual Realities and Activating Supernatural Power
December 6, 2023 Veronika West

”Speaking Forth the Word: Declaring Spiritual Realities and Activating Supernatural Power in this Hour”

The LORD is our Light and our Salvation, and in the Name of Jesus, we are kept by His Word and lifted by His Grace.

Our path shines ever brighter unto the perfect day.

In the Name of Jesus, everything we lay our hands to do is blessed. When men say there is a casting down, we Declare in Jesus’ Name that there is a lifting up and a rising up.

Premature death will never have a hold on our lives.

We declare the fullness of our days and the fulfillment of our destinies.

We refuse to be victims of the arrows that fly by day, the noise of pestilence, and the destruction that wasted a new day.

By the power of God, we are fortified and refuse to be victims.

Every tree that has not been planted by God is uprooted from our lives and destinies.

Every dream that is not the planting of God is uprooted and torn down.

We reject failure in the name of Jesus Christ and Declare that our lives are full of victory.

We reject failure by the power of the Holy Ghost. The Word of God is lifting us in the name of Jesus Christ.

Everything we do is blessed.

We are blessed in the city and blessed in the country.

The Word of God is working for us and producing supernatural results in our lives.

We are signs and wonders by the power of The Holy Spirit.

We speak forth these spiritual realities over our children, our families, our jobs, our businesses, our ministries, and our finances.

We declare the wisdom of Jesus and supernatural ideas.

Everything we lay our hands on is blessed, and we prosper in our souls.

We are growing in the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, growing in the word, growing in power, growing in wisdom, and growing in leaps and bounds.

We decree these spiritual realities and command them to be made manifest in our lives today.

We refuse to remain silent, for silence is the doorway to destruction.

A closed mouth is a closed destiny, and a silent mouth leads to a stagnant life, so we speak forth the word over our destiny, decreeing a thing and establishing it according to Deuteronomy 28.

Our words have power, and as we speak, things align with the will of God. Let us speak forth The Word over our lives with boldness and confidence, knowing that our words have the power to create and shape our reality.

Friends, we must Proclaim and Declare the promises of God over our circumstances, knowing that His word does not return void.

As we speak forth The Word, we are aligning ourselves with God’s Truth and inviting His power to work in and through us.

We are activating the supernatural Life of Christ within us which empowers us to step into the abundant life that Jesus promised.

With each declaration, we are building a foundation of faith and confidence in God’s power and ability to bring about breakthrough and transformation. We are speaking life and vitality into every area of our existence.

Our words carry authority and have the power to shift atmospheres and break down strongholds and shatter chains of darkness.

In our Declarations, we are tapping into the unlimited resources of heaven.

By Faith, we are accessing the Wisdom and Understanding of The Holy Spirit, Who leads and guides us in all things.

We are inviting divine ideas and strategies to flow through us, bringing success and prosperity into every area of our lives.

No longer will we stay silent and allow the enemy to steal, kill, and destroy.

We must refuse to accept anything less than God’s best for our lives.

We Speak forth restoration, healing, and breakthrough.

We Declare that every setback will be turned into a setup for a comeback.

We Proclaim that what was meant for our harm will be turned around for our good and to the Glory of God.

In the Name of Jesus, we command every obstacle and hindrance to be removed from our path.

We Declare open doors, divine connections, and supernatural favor.

We Decree that we are walking in divine alignment with God’s purposes and plans.

Our Declarations are not just empty words, but they carry the weight of heaven.

We Speak forth with faith and expectation, knowing that God is faithful to fulfill His promises.

We are confident that as we align our words with His will, we will see His kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

So let us continue to speak forth the word over our lives, our families, and our circumstances.

Let us declare God’s Goodness, Faithfulness, and Provision.

Let us Speak into existence the abundant life that God has prepared for us — and let us do so with Boldness, Confidence, and Unwavering Faith — in the Name of Jesus!

Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

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