Dawlati Baqiyah

1 year ago

My Dawla [state] is remaining, firing at the enemy.
Its soldiers shout that it is remaining [baqiya].
Its path will not be eliminated, its light seeks to expand
From a glorious God, thus removing darkness.
Its rain is like the clouds, raining down with spears
On the gatherings of the dogs and the misguided enemy.
Through the iron, the swords have given rise to honourable deeds,
Having awoken a sleepy Ummah from slumber.
Oh people of error, it [the Dawla] is remaining, not vanishing,
Anchored like the mountains, anchored, anchored.
It has not bowed down like the slaves, its might is like iron.
Its zealous lions will revive our glory.
Its faithful soldiers have built the edifice,
High in the sky, high, high.
So it [the edifice] has become unable to be harmed, lofty as the clouds,*
Elevated to Excellence, the pinnacle in the sky.[1]*
The Dawla of the believers is the fortress of the Muslims.
Its strength will not grow soft, its fire protects.
It has exploded their [the infidels'] hearing,[2] made their tears flow,
Its strong wind has dispersed their gatherings.
It has killed them by the thousands and led them to their deaths,
With bloody armour, swords and knives.
How much blood it has made to flow in the path of defiance!
For the banner has transformed into a mast for on high.
By an illuminating book [the Qur'an] and weapons that give victory,[3]
To the Almighty God it has been calling.
My Dawla, indeed it is the saved sect.[4]
Its soldiers shout: remaining, remaining

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