BC 15-Minute Smart City Coalition - Dec 5, 2023, Guest Speaker Sasha Izard

9 months ago

BC 15-Minute Smart City Coalition meeting - December 5, 2023
Guest Speaker: Mr. Sasha Izard, Saanich, BC (sashaizard.com)
The Development Lobby's Influence:
* delve into the relations between the development lobby and so-called '15-minute cities/communities'
* What is the Urban Development Institute (UDI) & how much power has it been able to leverage over government, in regard to housing policy?
* Is democracy coming to an end in BC? Mass shuttering of public hearings.

Want to learn more or join the BC 15-Min Smart City Coalition?
Visit https://bcrising.ca/committee/bc-15-minute-smart-city-coalition
Bi-weekly meetings online Tuesdays 7-8 p.m. + Q&A (PST)
Question? Email: BC15Min@proton.me

SUBSCRIBE" to the BC 15-Min Smart City Coalition newsletter: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/Dmm6jp2

Newsletter: https://conta.cc/3txaHl8

Sign up to BC Rising to receive future meeting invites with opportunities to help with actions across BC that interest you: https://bcrising.ca/sign-up/

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