Oct 25, 2016 ❤️ Jesus explains... Bitterness and Complaining are Poison for Body, Soul and Spirit

4 months ago

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Bitterness & Complaining are Poison for Body, Soul and Spirit

October 25, 2016 – Words from Jesus & Sister Clare

(Clare) The Joy of the Lord is our strength, and may we be convinced that the joy of the Lord is our only strength in this valley of tears.

Well, I am sharing this with you, dear friends, just in case you are sad about something or have not forgiven others and are holding bitter feelings. When we don’t forgive, a seed of bitterness is planted in our heart and it can choke out other feelings that are healthy. When we get angry or impatient, it is the same thing… we open the door to a seed of bitterness. And the problem is, a seed of bitterness can happen so quickly. All it takes is for us to have a bitter thought, and bang! The door has just opened. It’s like a magnet, it just sucks it in.

So, what are we to do? Well, as soon as we recognize what we’ve just done, get on our knees (if possible) and repent for our impatience, ingratitude and anger against God, because He allowed whatever caused our negative feelings.

It’s a test, really. Will I respond in bitterness, anger and rancor? Or will I praise the Lord for an opportunity to offer Him a wedding present. Thank you Lord for this opportunity to Love You through my brother or sister.

Then let’s ask Holy Spirit to show us where we need to repent and ask Jesus to please deliver us from these demons and bad feelings and set us free from every seed of bitterness that may have grown and affected our entire body.

The Lord has told me before, that bitterness causes cancer. It is a poison that spreads and grows. Just as a very tiny mustard seed can grow into a shrub for the birds to nest in, as it’s written in the Scriptures, so can a seed of bitterness spread tentacles of disease in our body, soul, and spirit.

In the ultimate end, all anger can be traced back to God as the cause. Why? Because He allowed that which made us angry. We can’t see the good He is going to bring out of every situation we feel angry about. We don’t understand the workings of God.

But if we trust Him and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He is a good God and more merciful than we can imagine; if we stay in a posture of full time gratitude and worship, these things cannot land! That’s the challenge. Who among us has attained this state of holiness? I don’t know, but I’m resolute. I am going there with His great help.

So, my dear ones, let us put aside all rancor and bitterness. Let’s repent for our dark thoughts and emotions, and ask the Lord to deliver us from the bitterness we harbor in our hearts, so we can be clean, open vessels carrying forth the living waters and healing.

(Jesus) “This is a mighty task, My People. Staying in worship, prayer and thanksgiving is a habit that must be cultivated if you are to escape the snares of the enemy. Bitterness is indeed a poison to your body, soul and spirit. If you are to stay healthy in all areas, ask Me to reveal to you the seeds of bitterness that have grown into a thorny bush, choking out the holy life you hunger for.

“Did I not say… The seeds that fell among the thorns are those who hear, but as they go their way, they are choked by the worries, riches, and pleasures of this life, and their fruit does not mature. (Luke 8:14)

“Those thorn bushes are from the seeds of bitterness and unfulfilled lusts for things: “I never have enough. Why couldn’t it be of a better quality? That’s not the color I wanted. That’s cheaply made. That’s too expensive. Why does so and so have a better one? On and on and on.

“You don’t realize that these little frustrations that cause ingratitude, are actually received into the soil of your heart, the seeds of thorny bushes of bitterness. Then when I come to sow the good seed, it will not grow because the thorn bushes already choke out the light and crowd the soil.

“If you want to cultivate a heart filled with joy, you must count all things as dung, and draw close to Me, forsaking all other things, which are sure to bring you disappointment. It’s not about poverty; it’s about detachment. Surely a poor person can be just as bitter as a rich one. But as you grow rich, your lust for things grows bigger. As you feed it, it grows bigger and bigger, dominating your life and soon you have no time left for Me.

“Clare struggles with this on a daily basis although for her it is not about riches but simple common needs that she has allowed to overpower her. For her and for all of you, thanksgiving and worship are the medicine and weed killer that will choke out the thorns. Thanking Me in all situations.

“As it is written… Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

“This Scripture is far too often overlooked, but I have come to prepare you for harder times. If you live in this manner, you will preserve your joy and your health, for disease does not enter a joyful soul easily. It is up to you, My People. You can complain like the Israelites or you can rejoice like Paul did… And we know that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)

“You see, if you embrace this with all your hearts and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am bringing good out of everything that happens, even the very worst things, if you have true faith in Me, you will not fall prey to discouragement, sadness and despair.

“This is not something you can accomplish on your own, Beloved. For this, you need Me and generous doses of My Grace – and this comes as you spend time with Me in genuine adoration and worship, as well as studying the Word. Receiving communion in utter faith, that every grace you need can be granted through communion, is another way.

“When you find the cup half full, praise Me for it. When it is empty, know that the graces are indeed flowing heavily for you and for the world. Never do I forget to take a portion of your sufferings and offer it to the Father for Mercy for the world.

“In this world you will have trouble, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world and there is hidden manna in your troubles. Rejoice in that, rejoice that in your sufferings you are gaining that eternal weight of glory that Paul talks about. (2 Corinthians 4:16-18)

“So fix your eyes on what is unseen, that is the abundant flow of grace and virtue you are accomplishing as you praise Me in all circumstances. You should never be worried about your troubles. You should be worried if you have no troubles! That is NOT a good sign. The more you suffer, the more virtue is being worked into your soul and the more is being accomplished for others in the spiritual realm.

“Look out, brothers, lest there be any of you with a wicked heart of unbelief, falling away from the living God. (Hebrews 3:12)

“Be firmly convinced, once and for all, that nothing happens in your life without My permission. And if I give My permission, you have to know… the situation, whatever it may be, is going to advance you in holiness and be a source of inspiration to others.

“Therefore, I say to you… Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, rejoice! If you keep this attitude of heart, many curses will bounce right off you into thin air and never come to land. But more importantly, My Beloved, you and I will have a profound relationship of trust and intimacy that will more than fulfill the need for joy in your life, regardless of your circumstances.

“Even as you listen to this message, cry out to Me and I shall grant you the grace of profound thankfulness. Then all you need to do is, remember to exercise it every minute of your life, especially in trials.”

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