The Truth about White Lung – Is it Mycoplasma Pneumonia or is it really a Virus?? – Anthony William

1 year ago

The truth is just about the opposite which we hear on TV from the Medical “Professionals." These are just lies so we will adhere to their agenda. Especially anything coming from the CDC.

The truth about this White Lung is that is NOT Mycoplasma Pneumonia. It is a VIRUS. It is not bacteria or fungi but they can be a secondary factor when the virus severely weakens the immune system.

The powers of this world / the globalists who were responsible for the Plandemic of 2020 believes we are burned out with the Covid Virus Strain # 40,000 scenario, so they are making shit up saying it is mycoplasma pneumonia bacterium. The illness is very real, they are just changing the narrative a bit.

It is a Virus.

Anthony says that right around Christmas time it will be in most the major cities and people will be getting sick.

Why is it called “White Lung?”

Because there is Scar Tissue in the Lung which is caused by the Cytokine Storm within the lungs resulting from the battle of white blood cells and viral cells. It produces scars and white mucus which is detected by lung X-rays. The lungs are like the battle ground which is the grave for dead bodies; the dead bodies of white blood cells, viral cells and other pathogens. The bone marrow goes into turbo mode and begins dishing out more and more white blood immune cells to put in this battle. You thousands and thousand of viral and white blood cells killing each other as they both battle for control and that is what a cytokine storm is.

For those who are not familiar with Anthony’s information – viruses are alive, viruses eat, viruses shit and it is the viral byproducts that cause the majority of the symptoms we experience.

Foods that ALL pathogens eat are: Eggs, Gluten, Dairy, Corn, Soy – for sure avoid these if you have symptoms of a flu or are sick in any way. These will just make the pathogens stronger which will pull down your immune system further. These are the mucus producing foods and you do NOT want to consume them when ill.

FAT – avoid fat when you are sick as it will only help the pathogens thrive and will cause insulin resistance blocking nutrients from entering cells. All nutrients are absorbed with the help of SUGAR. The best sugar is from FRUIT. Fat blocks the cells from receiving this nutrition, thus it aids in weakening the immune system and makes healing very slow if not impossible, pending on level of sickness and level of fats in the blood.

Anthony William says that Spirit of Compassion tells him that this so labeled “White Lung” or “Mycoplasma Pneumonia” will be bad, but he says there will be another one coming up later that will truly be really bad and we should be focusing on eating right and strengthening our immune systems.

About Anthony William:

Anthony William receives his information in an Audible Voice from Spirit of Compassion (the ONLY other Spirit Higher is the Most High God). Spirit of Compassion is the Finger Tips of God – it is God’s Word. Anthony received this gift at the young age of 4 when Spirit of Compassion instructed him to place his hands on his Grandmother’s chest and say the words “Lung Cancer” when he didn’t even know what those words meant. Two weeks later his grandmother was diagnosed with Lung Cancer.

Anthony William is the ONLY person on Planet Earth in which Spirit TALKS OUT LOUD in a real voice. Anthony actually hears the voice, it is not channeling non-audible frequencies. Spirit of Compassion provides healing information to Anthony. The information is DECADES ahead of any other information or medical information out there. This is information you won’t find in any Medical Textbook or Peer Publication.

The information is 100% reliable and true. It is God’s word.

Medical Science is flawed and manipulated.

The information from AW's lectures, videos and books have helped me personally SO much. Seriously. If there was one person on Earth that I really, really would LOVE to meet, it is Anthony William. I created a Blog from his years of Lectures.

My Personal Blog:
(1) -- About Me

(2) -- Home Page

Anthony William Sources:

(1) – you can find ALL his information here, including his books or you can search on Amazon.

(2) Facebook:

(3) Rumble:

(4) Youtube:

(5) Telegram: -- This is the least censored of the social medias.

I strongly encourage you follow this man and get his books as there are NO books in the world with this health information. The information is truly life saving and incredible.

**NOTE: This video was cut into clips from a larger one as Anthony is censored so much that he has to insert information in bits and pieces throughout his videos, so I always try and watch the entire video.

Here is the whole video and it’s title: Sugar Fear - Have You Been Brainwashed - Mystery Pneumonia & Mini Frittatas --

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