1 year ago

Pan-African Unity is alive and kicking!

On Saturday, 2nd December, a Pan-African Alliance led by Africans_Rising, hosted a Pan-African Solidarity event for Sudan in the heart of one of Kenya's largest slums - Nairobi’s Mathare Ghetto.

One of the key highlights of that event was when Kenyan community organiser Sefu led the attendees in chanting a famous anti-apartheid song with a Kenyan twist in Swahili.

Mathare is famous for being a hub for anti-colonial activism. During the struggle for independence, it was where weapons on their way to the Mau Mau freedom fighters transited through, overseen by one of Kenya's most progressive leaders, Pio Gama Pinto, a man who influenced and had close ties with Malcolm X before both were assassinated.

The chant was an electrifying moment that connected three countries - Sudan, Kenya and South Africa - in their struggles in one room.

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