Re-Writing the Old Testament: British Israel Doctrine

6 months ago

The British Israel doctrine had a profound effect on fundamentalist Christian doctrine. Though many of its converts later abandoned the pseudo-archaeological, pseudo-Christian doctrine in later years, the changes to the interpretation of Scripture that developed through British Israelism remain in effect today within some Christian sects.

When British Israel leaders began claiming that the British Isles and North America were the descendants of Israel, they did so by comparing Old Testament passages to modern times. Key passages of text were turned into unlikely (and often absurd) parallels between the modern world and ancient Israel. No longer was the context of scripture important; passages were given new context using a few words from Hebrews 10:1 out of context: “Shadow of things to come.”

This is evident in early Pentecostal history. Key figures in Pentecostalism repurposed the book of Malachi for modern times, specifically the fourth chapter. Frank Sanford convinced his sect that he was the “Elijah” who came to restore the Church (or, more specifically, rebirth the Church as the "true" Israel. John Alexander Dowie did the same, and both men were given nicknames such as “Elijah the Restorer.” Pentecostal founder Charles Fox Parham visited both sects and later announced that he was this “Elijah” to come.

Without the British Israel doctrine and its method of re-writing the Old Testament to fit modern times, none of this would be possible. The book of Malachi was explicitly written “To Israel,” as is mentioned in the first verse of the first book. To British Israel converts, however, “To Israel” meant “To British Israel Converts.”

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Charles Fox Parham:

Frank Sandford:

John Alexander Dowie:
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