White House Scrubs CAIR From Its Antisemitism Fact Sheet After Leader Praises October 7

9 months ago

On November 1, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris announced the country's first National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia — as mobs of Hamas sympathizers paraded through the streets calling for the erasure of Israel. I'm sure that the Council on American-Islamic Relations was consulted … wasn't Rep. Ilhan Omar speaking at a CAIR event when she admitted that some people did something on 9/11? Now it appears that the White House is scrubbing CAIR from its handy antisemitism fact sheet after CAIR's leader gave a speech celebrating the October 7 invasion of Israel. "The White House scrubbed a mention of the Council on American-Islamic Relations from an antisemitism fact sheet and pledged that the group has no involvement in efforts to draft a national Islamophobia strategy"

"A national Islamophobia strategy." The White House has its priorities in place. But really, check out Nihad Awad, CAIR co-founder; he was more than happy with the events of October 7. This is a huge deal. Mask is fully off: CAIR executive director ‘happy to see’ Oct. 7 Hamas terror attack. Nihad Awad, co-founder of the Muslim civil rights organization, defended the Oct. 7 attack while claiming Israel has no right to self-defense. https://twitter.com/guypbenson/status/1732793375634395524 -- CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad at AMP Convention: I Was Happy to See the People of Gaza Break the Siege on October 7; They Were Victorious; the People of Gaza Have the Right to Self-Defense - Israel Does Not.

The Biden White House literally included this organization in its working group to define anti-Semitism. Remember when CAIR got a seat at the table to define antisemitism? Praising Hamas and then complain about people having islamophobia the ostensible mission of CAIR. CAIR is a terrorist organization. And CAIR gets an audience and validation in the White House. CAIR is toxic and shouldn't even exist, let alone have any influence on national policy. -- This is the response - is that video heavily edited, as claimed? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GAxQfsQXIAA0fvq?format=jpg&name=large -- "Heavily edited."

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