Article 4428 Video - The End of Evil - Saturday, October 21, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

10 months ago

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Article 4428 Video - The End of Evil - Saturday, October 21, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

In our circles, you will hear us say, "I am done with evil!" often with gusto and a dismissive hand gesture.

There is a reason for this.

We've literally had it with evil. We are done. We have made our choices, no matter what wind blows.

This is not a choice that can be made lightly.

You have to get to a point of disgust where you can't stand it anymore. You can't look yourself in the face.
You can't be deaf, dumb, and blind anymore.

There is a magical moment where you realize that life, as precious as it is, isn't worth living in a world so polluted with evil. And then, finally, you are set free.

Somewhere beyond the terror that evil provokes, you find the strength to toss it out like last week's rubbish. And you choose a different path. Our path.

You stop lying to yourself or anyone else. You stop pretending and putting a good face on things. You stop working for companies that do evil. You stop listening to the Boob Tube.

And suddenly, you start seeing the misery and pollution that surrounds you, the sick miasma of drugs and self-interest, porn and useless fantasies, violence and alienation, idolatry of all kinds, and grinding poverty of vision, of soul, and of body, everywhere you look.

Dystopian is far too clinical and limited a word to describe the multi-layered muck of our purported civilization.

Initially, all your stunned psyche can do is to flee from it. And hide. Gain a few days, weeks, months, or even years to evaluate what you suddenly perceive.

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