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Article 4426 Video - Are You Still Confused? - Thursday, October 19, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article 4426 Video - Are You Still Confused? - Thursday, October 19, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

People are understandably confused ---well, if Anna went out and reclaimed all our stuff, why isn't she in Fat City? And why aren't we any better off yet?

There are stages or steps in everything we do.

The first stage was waking up. We had to realize what was happening around us. We had to research the situation. We had to go outside this country to get the news. We had to piece together the puzzle from history and public documents -- and a few whistleblowers, like Karen Hudes.

The second stage was --- okay, we finally woke up and knew what was going on, but we still had to respond to it.

Let's bring you up to speed:

Other governments that are heavily in debt to us, were trying to sell off our country's assets to pay their debts, and their other creditors were bringing claims against our assets. Read that again, twice.

Foreign Municipal Corporations that are over their heads in debt to us, were trying to sell our assets to their other creditors as payment for their debts.

We were being bypassed in the line up of Creditors, because we were all being impersonated as foreign citizens and because our government was being mischaracterized to the rest of the world as "absent" and "in interregnum".

Our entire country, our land, our homes, our businesses, were all "tagged" and "latched" by the British Crown as "subject property" ready for auction as abandoned property salvaged by the Crown under the Law of Admiralty.

The International Banks were going along with this, because it was profitable for them, and because there was nobody and nothing standing up and objecting to it.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2023/10/are-you-still-confused.html

Download and print http://annavonreitz.com/stillconfused.pdf

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NOTE from Ed:
Trust only the information and
processes found on these websites:
Download and print https://annavonreitz.com
Discussion http://paulstramer.net
Correct Your Status https://tasa.americanstatenationals.org/
National Debt Relief https://signinamerica.com/
Thank you. ~ Ed

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