What To Ask Before Getting the C0 v!d Injection | Dr Jane Ruby | #5

6 months ago

Dr Jane Ruby discusses the taboo topic of the Co V !d injection.

You cannot possibly make an informed decision if you are not informed!

Dr. Jane talks about the ingredients, the process of its development, and concerns that this experimental jab is being forced onto so many people without transparency or disclosure of its questionable ingredients.

This is an experimental injection, and the major problem is that those taking it don't know they are part of the experiment.


THE FIFTH COLUMN (laquintacolumna.net)

Suspected presence of Graphene Oxide in injectable Lidocaine - ORWELL CITY

La Quinta Columnd also those who didn't because of shedding. If you would like to find out how this is stressing your body systems, email me for information on getting a Bioresonance Test.

email: stephanie.mckeith@gmail.com

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