Rahan. Episode Fifty-two. The weapon with three arms. by Roger Lecureux. A Puke (TM) Comic.

6 months ago

The son of the fierce ages.
Text by Roger Lecureux.
Drawing by Andre Cheret.
Episode Fifty-two.

The weapon with three arms.

The fishing had been good.
With his fish on his back, Crao's son was about to move away from the river when cries of terror arose.

A panicked young woman appeared on the other bank.
Quite far behind her, a cheetah emerged from the thickets.

“Two-haired" cannot crawl on water!

The woman, in fact, had been stopped in her escape by the river.

Page Two.

Courage “Two Hair”! Rahan won't let you be devoured by the spotted skin!

Thrown with force, the three fish flutter above the river, towards the opposite bank.
Freed from these fish which would have hindered his movements, the son of Crao had already dived and was swimming vigorously.

Gathered up, the cheetah stared at the young woman who was paralyzed by fear.
He was going to jump.

When Rahan climbs onto the bank.
What are you waiting for to attack??
Would you fear Rahan's claw, "Little Spot"!?

Page Three.

The beast stopped growling and suddenly relaxed.
The son of Crao knew from experience that it was useless to dodge the attack.

Knocked down by the cheetah, he delivered a first blow.
But the ivory blade slipped on one side of the feline.

The woman could have fled. But she remained there observing the wild melee.
Few hunters in the clan would sacrifice themselves like this for Tanaou!

She uttered a cry of anguish, because the man and the beast had just rolled into the river!
Oh! Chlouf!

But this was what the son of Crao wanted, who knew the repulsion of felines for water!
The cheetah suddenly losing its means, offered its side to the ivory knife!

Page Four.

Rahan is Happy to have saved “Two-hair”!!
The current was already carrying away the body of the feline, which was bleeding.

I am not called “Two-Hair”, my name is Tanaou.
Tanaou has a very curious style of hair!

The son of Crao had never seen braided hair before.
Tanaou's two braids intrigued him.
All the girls in my clan are like this, it's the custom.

If Tanaou reveals to him how this “Thing” is made.
Rahan will give him his fish!

As he pointed to the stump towards which he had thrown his fish, Rahan was transfixed as a statue.
The vines were tied around a dead branch.

Page Five:

Just before diving into the river, he had glimpsed the fish circling around this branch.

And the knots made themselves!
If Rahan could not explain the phenomenon, this one registered in his memory.

Here Tanaou! These fish are yours!
Oh! What have you done with your "Two-Hairs"?
Tanaou had untied her braids.

And mischievously, began to braid her hair again.
A strand in the middle. One on top. One Below. One on top. One underneath.

This is how our mothers and our mothers' mothers did.
The son of Crao, amazed, saw Tanaou’s braids reform.

Page Six.

Rahan would like to know your tribe!
No! Do not try to know my clan!
Death would fall on you!

Karaikk, our chief, throws everyone who ventures into our territory into “The Pit of Enemies”!
Tanaou owes you her life.
She does not want to see you die!

Run away, Rahan! Flee!
As light as a "Two Horned Antelope", Tanaou fled herself, with the fish that the son of Crao had given her.

It was easy for him to follow her trail, which led him to a clan similar to so many others.
Karaikk is very brutal with his sisters!

Why did you catch fish? Fishing is not a woman's business!
It was a hunter with “Fire Hair” who gave them to Tanaou!
The leader, recognizable by his collars, shook Tanaou roughly!

Page Seven.

Tanaou tells the truth Karaikk!
It was Rahan who caught the fish!
Rahan had revealed himself and was approaching calmly.

This composure further irritated the leader.
You admit to having violated our territory!
You will lose your insolence in the “Enemies Pit”!!

Imitating their leader, the hunters abandoned their weapons and rushed towards Crao's son.
You want Rahan alive. But you have not finished it yet!

It was a fight of rare violence.
Rahan stood up, fiercely resisting the murder that assailed him.

But the hunters who collapsed under his blows were immediately replaced by others!

Page Eight.

He was finally subdued, pinned to the ground.
Karaikk grabbed his necklace of claws and the ivory knife.
They will be useless to you in the kingdom of shadows!

Tanaou looked away when his people led Rahan towards the "Pit", a few hundred steps from him.

This pit was neither too wide nor too deep, but the swirls of the waves, over the centuries, had polished the wall.

The son of Crao attempted a final and vain resistance.
He was brutally pushed forward.
Your agonies will be long, “Fire-hair”!

Pushed into the void, he instinctively took a jumping position.

Page Nine.

And landed on his legs, shattering some of the bones with which the bottom of the pit was littered.

They died of hunger and thirst!
Is this the end that awaits Rahan?

He heard the hunters returning to the village and felt the wall.
The granite was as smooth as the ivory of his knife!

The few vines that hung there, too thin, broke as soon as he clung to them.

Rahan understands why you joined the territory of shadows.
It is impossible to escape from this stone trap!

Page Ten.

The vines that snaked at his feet reminded him of the braids of Tanaou.
An idea came to him.
If Rahan could make just one, it would be much stronger!

A moment later, scrupulously repeating the young woman's gestures, he braided three long vines.
Rahan saw branches at the edge of the pit.
Maybe he can catch one!

He continued this work until the night, until a muffled voice reached him.

Tanaou would like to help “Fire-hair” But what can she do?
Catch Tanaou!

The young woman grabbed the braid of vines in flight.
If Karaikk surprised Tanaou, he would kick her out of the clan!

Page Eleven.

Tanaou braced herself but in vain.
Rahan's weight was dragging her down.
This is impossible, “Fire-hair”! Tanaou does not have the strength of a hunter!

The branches Tanaou! Branches!
Try dragging one near the pit!

Tanaou was pulling a long branch when angry calls rang out.
My people are looking for me, Rahan!
I have to abandon you!
I will try to come back later!

The son of Crao heard the young woman slip away.
He saw the branch at the edge of the pit.
Thank you Tanaou!
Perhaps what you did was enough to save Rahan!

Twice, three times, ten times, Rahan threw his braid of lines towards this branch.
But this one could not find any hold!

Page Twelve.

The vine will never tie itself! All alone!? Oh!
The son of Crao almost screamed with joy.

He saw his fish again circling around the stump.

Inspired by a phenomenon that was still unknown to him the day before, he perhaps invented what would be called, hundreds of centuries later, a "Bolas".
Rahan can remake a "Three-armed weapon”!

The skulls replaced the fish, and played the same role.
Rahan twirled the three-armed weapon for a moment.

And let it fly towards the branch.
He had difficulty suppressing a cry of triumph.

Page thirteen.

The three vines, twisted around the target, were tied on it!
From then on, getting out of the “Enemy Pit” was just a game.
Rahan, hoisted himself up with the agility of a “Four hands"

As he untied the three-armed weapon a vampire bat disappeared into the darkness.
The night is gentle. It is a night of Vampires!

But Rahan does not fear the vampires!
He will only leave this territory with his cutlass and his collar!
Murmurs arose from nearby villages.

The hunters of Karaikk also mentioned the “Vampires”.
But they were afraid!

Page Fourteen.

The blood-drinking birds are on the prowl!
They threaten us! “Fire-hair” has sent them!

Karaikk does not speak like a boss, but like a child!!
“Those-who-walk-upright” can scare away the wampas!
The sudden reappearance of Rahan initially caused astonishment and fear.

Karaikk growled with rage, and he suddenly launched himself with his ax raised.
How did you get out of the pit of enemies?!

With this!
The weapon with three arms flew away.

And the leader, his ankles tied, collapsed forward!

Page Fifteen.

A moment later the son of Crao recovered his knife and his necklace.
Karaikk was too worried to react.
Are you.
Are you going to kill Karaikk?

No, Rahan doesn't kill "Those-Who-Walk-Upright"!
Karaikk was confused.

The Wampas!!
The Wampas!
Cries of terror suddenly arise. The panicked hunters scattered in all directions.

Rahan rushed towards Tanaou who was fleeing.
Fear nothing Tanaou!
The “Wampas” are sent by the evil spirit!
My tribe always flee when they arrive!

The swarm of vampires suddenly fell on the village.
Stay near the fire, Tanaou!
The Wampas won't come near you!

Page Sixteen.

A howl rang out.
A few vampire bats circled around Karaikk, who was trying to untie the three-armed weapon.

The beasts suddenly attacked, clinging to the chief's arms and his hair.
No! No!

The "Wampas" are going to drain Karaikk of his blood!
But no, Tanaou! You will see.

These rat birds fear fire too much!
The son of Crao rushed forward, brandishing a flaming branch.

Frightened by this light which swirled above them, the vampire bats abandoned Karaikk.

Page Seventeen.

If the “Wampas” obey you, it is because you are their leader!
What are you going to do?
Rahan had drawn his knife.

You, will you free me?
But what being are you then?
And Karaikk, surprised, saw the ivory blade cut the “three-armed weapon."

The branch went out and the vampire bats returned to attack.
You see clearly that the "Wampas" do not obey Rahan!
It is the fire they fear!


The son of Crao did not have time to dodge.
A “Rat-bird” was plastered on his face!
With anger and disgust he snatched the beast.

The “Wampas” Want Blood!
They are going to have it!

Page Eighteen.

The ivory blade slashed the vampire bat.
And now Karaikk, let us go to join Tanaou!

The chief was already rushing towards the fire.
Karaikk was stupid to believe the "Wampas" were immortal!
Come back, brothers!
Let us drive them out of the villages!

Come! Come!
Let us chase away the "Wampas"!
At the call of their leader, the still hesitant groups flushed out of the thickets.

Setting an example, Karaikk waved two fire-brands. Frightened by the flaming torches, the vampire bats fled before him.

Yours are finally acting like Braves Tanaou!
The emboldened hunters had in turn armed themselves with Flaming Branches.

Page Nineteen.

And the panicked “Rat Birds” stalked between the huts.
They didn't stop until the last "Wampa" had disappeared into the darkness.

Thanks to you, we will now be able to repel the attacks of the "Wampas"!
But who taught you that they feared fire so much?

Rahan does not know more than any other.
He has hunted in so many territories, he learned so many things, here and there!
And, this morning, he did not know about the “Three-Armed Weapon”!

If you are neither a god nor a demon.
How did you escape from the Pit of Enemies?

With the three-armed weapon and with the help of Tanaou!?

Page Twenty.

The son of Crao felt a slight pinch in his back.
He understood why Tanaou feared the chief's anger.
Argh, Euh!

And so, in order not to "betray" her, he only revealed part of the truth.
That's to say. Uh.
That Rahan tied vines like Tanaou ties her hair!

Karaikk gave a curious smile.
Maybe he was not fooled?
Rahan seems to know many, many tricks!
Will he teach them to our clan?
Rahan will stay with you until the “Leafless Season”!

For the first time, the words were kind and welcoming.
The son of Crao responded warmly.
Such was Rahan's destiny!
Teaching to some what he learned from others!
And other “Rahans”, elsewhere, did the same.
And this is how, in these fierce times, “Knowledge” slowly infiltrated into “Those-who-walk-upright”, the men!


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