COP28 President: “no science” behind demands for fossil fuel phase-out, then backtracks

7 months ago

Deception generally gets exposed eventually in one way or another.
At the 'Unite for climate change solutions' women's zoom meet that took place days before the COP28, the new president Oil Sultan Al Jaber joined by audio only and got in a heated dispute/discussion with Mary Robinson, when he stated. there's “no science” behind demands for fossil fuel phase-out. Then stated, that a complete phase-out of fossil fuels would not pave the way for sustainable development “unless you want to take the world back into the caves”.
These statements not only went viral, but set the climate alarmist into a frenzy.
Then at the COP28, he was called out about his statement, and backtracked it.
Pretty bad when even the head climate czars really don't believe in what their promoting. They know their deceiving even their lower level global warming followers.

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