12/7/23 if we listen, there’s no worry. ❤️

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Guarding Against the Absalom Spirit That Births Division and Destruction
Recently I have been praying concerning the deadly effects of the Absalom Spirit, and how it can so easily infiltrate the work of Ministry.

Being led to look closely at the story of Absalom, it has opened my eyes to many things hidden in darkness.

The aftermath of Absalom’s rebellion left a trail of destruction and broken relationships. The casualties were not only in the physical sense — but also in the spiritual and emotional sense as families were torn apart, friendships were shattered, and trust was forever lost.

The Absalom spirit continues its deadly work even today as it seeks to divide and conquer, using the pain and rejection of individuals to fuel its agenda.

It preys on those who feel overlooked or unheard, whispering sweet words of sympathy and understanding.

Slowly but surely, it turns them against the very leaders whom God has appointed over them, to help them grow, thrive and rise.

In ministries and even in businesses, this spirit seeks to advance by sowing seeds of lies and betrayal. It thrives on people’s pride and desires for name, power and position, manipulating them into believing that their own ambitions and agendas are more important than following God’s ordained order.

This breeds rebellion and disobedience, leading to conflict, chaos and ultimately the destruction of many Destinies.

But, dare I say, just as Absalom met his downfall through his own pride, so too will those who align themselves with those who are operating under the influence of this powerful demonic spirit.

The consequences of their actions are not limited to their own lives; but they ripple out and affect everyone around them.

Lives are shattered, dreams are crushed, visions are weakened and eventually negated — and the Kingdom of God suffers violence and loss.

Friends, to guard against the influence of the Absalom spirit, it is crucial to pray fervently and examine our hearts regularly, to keep short accounts with God, to examine our hearts daily in the light of the Gospel where there is no condemnation — but where The Fear of The LORD can bring conviction, repentance and change.

We must cultivate a lifestyle posture of humility and submission before God and the authorities of those He has placed over us. Honoring and respecting God-ordained authority is not a suggestion, but it’s a commandment.

Obedience is better than Sacrifice!

We must also seek purity in our thoughts, motives, and actions. Power rests on the foundation of Purity — and Purity guards us against the allure of power and the temptation to betray and deceive others.

Purity keeps our hearts aligned with God’s Will, and it protects us from becoming casualties of the Absalom spirit and all of its satanic trappings.

Let us be Watchful, Sober, Vigilant and Discerning in this hour, being sensitive to the subtle manifestations of this Spirit.

Let us be those who have the ability to recognise the tactics of this deadly spirit.

Let us choose to walk in Humility, Honor and Obedience, seeking only to build up and unite as One Body, rather than being one who contributes to the tearing down of others that brings division.

Only then can we truly safeguard ourselves and those around us in our God-given sphere of influence, from the destructive effects of the Absalom spirit!

Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

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