Gavin Newsom's GOP Debate Post Proves He Still Hasn't Gotten Over The Whoopin' He Got From DeSantis

5 months ago

Gavin Newsom doesn't seem to have quite recovered from the arse-whoopin' he took from DeSantis at their debate last week. He looks like he's aged decades since then, not to mention this is just an obvious plea for attention. He's NOT owned! He's not! Gavin Newsom: “Republican candidates on stage tonight need to be called out for their willingness to tear away tens of millions of Americans’ healthcare.” Don't worry, Gav, Americans know ObamaCare already 'took' their healthcare away. Nice try though, Hair Gel. -- Perhaps Gavin Newsom could be called out for the hundreds of billions of dollars that have evaporated into a train that will never exist. That seems fair. Tell us about the tax rates of California. Pretend you are at a private party. Oof. Gov. Ron DeSantis smashed you. Go away.

He certainly does seem to have some sour grapes about the whole thing. We suppose if we were the Democrat's best hope and got taken to the woodshed by the Republican who isn't even leading the pack we'd be embarrassed as well. Ahem. -- You making this argument is like a homeless person giving financial advice. You’ve destroyed California and have no right to lecture anyone about anything. Everyone hates you. Why did you allow the terrorists to stop the Christmas tree lighting? In one stupid move you proved you will never be presidential material. You are weak, feckless, and a politically correct ass-kissing joke. -- Go away dude. So there! Short. Sweet. To the point. That works.

• More at: Twitchy - Gavin Newsom's GOP Debate Post PROVES He Still Hasn't Gotten Over the WHOOPIN' He Got From DeSantis

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