Old Gaza Woman Fact-Checks A Biased Al Jazeera Reporter

6 months ago

It's the feel-good video of the season, as one fed-up Gaza woman dares to tell a so-called journalist the truth he doesn't want to admit. For ordinary Gazans, the war their Hamas government started has made life difficult at best. "The situation is difficult, the aid is not coming," a reporter explains to a woman who might have limited access to food and water — but that old gal is having none of his excuses. "All aid goes underground," she replies, referring to the spiderweb of underground tunnels that house Hamas and their rocket factories. "The aid does not reach the nation and the entire people." There's some dispute as to why that is. If you're a Gazan who has watched for years as Hamas enriched and protected itself while using you as a human shield, you're pretty sure that the aid is coming just as it always has. It's just going underground — as it always has.

If you are any of the aid organizations or their enablers in governments and news organizations around the world who enable Hamas' theft, you'll lie or deflect. "What [aid] comes is only a little," the reporter says, deflecting the old woman's anguish, "and it is distributed." But she waves her finger and insists, "Everything goes to Hamas' houses." It's nothing shocking — not after learning that several major mainstream media outlets likely knew in advance about the October 7 terror invasion — to see a reporter take Hamas' side like this one did. I know Hamas remains popular among the Gaza Arabs, or at least it did before the war, so I don't often have a whole lot of concern for their plight. But it's warming to see at least one person tell the truth about why life in Gaza is so difficult: Hamas. The flip side is that for the Hamas leadership, life isn't merely difficult — it's become nasty, brutish, and short.

• More at: PJ Media - Watch This Old Gaza Woman Fact-Check a Biased Reporter

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