For those new here, buckle up, this'll get weird.

6 months ago

I said I would do a vlog and go back to give new folks a heads-up and chance to 'leg-it' before they get in too deep with my 'orf ma tits' mind.
If I am even 1% correct, then those I aim to save are lucky buggers!!

I see a time, once we accept one another, when our 1%'s unveil together to become truth ingrained thereafter and remembered universally forever. (I can dream) 🙏❤

For the Old Guard, you'd best skip this one and save yourself the repeated waffle you have patiently endured thus far.
And I do thank you for that for I have to admit, "I do my head in".
Just a record f't future and some Old Guard truths from within, not the truths.

Much L❤ve


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