Share of Land Area Used for Agriculture by Country and World since 1961

1 year ago

This bar chart race shows the agriculture land area in percentage of total land area, by country/territory and world (most and least), annually since 1961. Countries and territories are shown as they exist today.

Agricultural land includes cultivation of crops, organic farming, livestock farming/nomadic and non-nomadic pastoralism, temporary meadows. It excludes abandoned land area.

The global agricultural land area has experienced dynamic changes since 1961. Initially marked by expansion to meet growing food demands, the latter half of the 20th century saw increased focus on sustainable practices. Factors such as population growth, technological advancements, and shifting dietary preferences have influenced trends in land use. Nations have grappled with balancing agricultural productivity with environmental conservation. Over time, data reveals shifts in cultivation patterns, showcasing the complex interplay between human needs and ecological considerations in the management of agricultural land worldwide.

Data source: FAO, World Bank

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