Clavicle Lady Says Liz Cheney Bio Will Be Studied Alongside Founding Fathers

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Listen to the Trumpet Daily radio program that aired on December 7, 2023. 

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[00:30] More Trump Derangement Syndrome
Cassidy Hutchinson has been spreading fictional stories on the mainstream media about Donald Trump, even stating that he “poses an extreme threat to American security.” Joe Biden has stated he wouldn’t run for president if Trump wasn’t running. These people want to focus on Trump’s alleged crimes while ignoring Biden’s obvious criminal activity.

[33:00] Joebama’s War Against Netanyahu
The Joebama administration is doing everything it can to undermine Israel in its war with Hamas, including trying to get rid of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

[41:50] PCG Anniversary
Today is the 34th anniversary of the beginning of the Philadelphia Church of God. The history of the past few decades teaches some valuable lessons.

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