1 year ago

Welcome to The Master's Voice End Time Prophecy Blog: (Hear the words of the Lord).

Today's word: High-powered elites in politics will be exposed in data leaks. Politicians of the right ("conservatives") are playing a dangerous game- playing at being Christian while committing hidden sin and criminal acts. Yah says, "If the public knew what they do they would never let them hold office." Wickedness in the GOP will be exposed and very big names are going to fall. This is The Master's Voice Prophecy Blog, hear the words of the Lord.

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I AM EXTREMELY PASSIONATE ABOUT JESUS CHRIST. His Lordship, to honor & respect Him at all times.

Many of us say we love the Lord but that is less true than we think. Now may be your last chance to truly examine your heart & motives, and ask if you are really a sheep that follows the Lord's warnings and ways. Do we obey when God speaks to us? Are we the one who always has "an issue", "a problem", "more questions"- are we that person hiding in the fences of Christianity, yet we're simply not able to OBEY YAH WHEN HE SPEAKS? I am warning this over and over again- your discernment and obedience will give you everything, or cost you everything if you lack it. That is a fact.

Obedience (or lack thereof) will be a literal life & question in the last days. Mark these words. Your LIFE will depend on how well you can listen to what God tells you- to touch or not touch- and how well you can honor what He says. Blessed are you with the obedient heart, a heart that is OKAY with what God tells us to love or hate. Blessed are you who doesn't need "clarity". BLESSED ARE YOU THAT HEARS THE WORDS OF THE PROPHECY, AND REMAINS INSIDE THE BOUNDARY FENCE. To the others, I say to you: "He who digs a pit will fall into it, and he who breaks through a wall, a serpent shall bite him." (Ecclesiastes 10:8)

Prophecies referenced in this video:
WHAT YOU NEVER HEARD BEFORE PT 1 (Blog & Video): https://the-masters-voice.com/2019/07/06/what-you-never-heard-before-pt-1-july-6-2019/
THE HUMAN-ALIEN HYBRID QUESTION (Blog & Video): https://the-masters-voice.com/2022/04/17/the-alien-human-hybrid-question-april-17-2022/
ALIENS: HUMANOIDS & SERPENT PEOPLE (Blog & Video): https://the-masters-voice.com/2021/07/07/aliens-humanoids-and-serpent-people-july-6-2021/

THE END OF THE AGE: HYBRIDS (Blog & Video): https://the-masters-voice.com/2022/02/25/the-end-of-the-age-hybrids-january-19-2022/
DO NOT RECEIVE THEM; NEPHILIM & HYBRIDS: https://youtube.com/watch?v=eXZr06yD3JU&t=2384s

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