Community Power Public Hearing - 12/6/23

7 months ago

Renewable Energy Taskforce
Temple Town Hall
Wednesday December 6 at 7:00 PM and Thursday December 14 at 7:00 PM

The Temple Renewable Energy Taskforce, which has been designated by the Board
of Selectmen as the town's Energy Aggregation Committee, is holding public hearings
on a proposed Community Power Plan. There will be a presentation about
Community Power for Temple followed by an opportunity to comment and ask

Community Power offers:
• Lower rates
• Green energy options
• Future funding for energy projects in our town

Temple’s Community Power Program will offer electric customers an
alternative to Eversource for electric supply. Under the Plan, all consumers are
initially enrolled in the program but can opt-out to select Eversource or another
competitive supplier at any time without fees or penalties. There is no cost to the
Town to establish or operate the Community Power Program. Eversource will
continue to provide the electric infrastructure of poles and wires to our houses.
Adoption of this Plan is subject to final approval of the Energy Taskforce and
adoption by the Board of Selectmen. If adopted by the Board, an article will be placed
on the March 2024 Warrant for Town Meeting approval.

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