Univ. Of Penn Pres. Liz Magill Defends Paying Biden $400,000 For No-Show Job: 'He Invited Speakers'

1 year ago

President Joe Biden really likes to tell stories in order to connect with his audience; he'll lie about where his son died if he thinks it will resonate with the crowd. Back in 2021, Biden said that he was a professor at the University of Pennsylvania for the four years between being vice president and president. In 2022, Biden says he “really enjoyed teaching” when he was a “professor” at the University of Pennsylvania. Biden was paid $1 million, but never taught a single class. https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1499851156700413953 -- A month later, at the 2022 National and State Teachers of the Year Celebration, Biden said it was “hard” being a professor at the University of Pennsylvania.

The University of Pennsylvania's president, Liz Magill, was on Capitol Hill Tuesday and was asked what Biden did in his time at the university in exchange for his $400,000 salary. Legal money laundering.

• More at: Twitchy - University President Explains What Joe Biden Did to Earn $400,000 a Year

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