Americans Think Tipping Culture Is ‘Out Of Control’ And Workers Should Be Paid More

6 months ago

Americans Think Tipping Culture Is ‘Out Of Control’ And Workers Should Be Paid More

Tipping is a way to show your appreciation for a service performed and a job well done. If you tip at an establishment you regularly frequent or a handyman who does a lot of work for you, it can ensure perpetual positive experiences. From an altruistic perspective, gratuity provides much-needed financial resources to supplement meager hourly wages.

There is often confusion surrounding what service providers you should tip, and questions about why some employees get gratuity, while others don’t. Customers are left wondering why they bear the burden of tipping instead of businesses paying their staff more fairly.

Customers are also nudged to tip on online orders and low-service kiosks. Nearly 75% of remote transactions in food and beverage now prompt you to leave gratuity, according to data analysis from Square.

The pandemic contributed to tipflation, as many people were tipping more generously to support service industry workers who were struggling financially. These were the frontline workers who shopped for our groceries and delivered meals to our homes through apps. This trend has continued through today.


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