Article 4416 Video - The Insular Tariff Cases - 1900 to 1904 By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article 4416 Video - The Insular Tariff Cases - 1900 to 1904 - Wednesday, October 11, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

As we have noted, our unincorporated Federation of States was impersonated by a Scottish-chartered commercial corporation calling itself "The United States of America" --- Incorporated, beginning in 1868.

We call this entity "the Scottish Interloper" and credit it with a National-level identity theft scheme in which it passed itself off as our Federation of States in order to gain access to our credit --- similar to what credit card hackers do today when they pretend to be their victims, run up a bunch of charges on the victim's credit card, and leave the poor sod to pay for all their unauthorized spending.

Eventually, of course, enough people caught on -- especially their German Creditors -- and the perpetrators of these international crimes against our country and our people -- hit upon the idea of going bankrupt and leaving us as the presumed Secondaries responsible for paying their bills.

As a commercial corporation, The United States of America, Incorporated, was eligible for bankruptcy protection and instead of laying the burden on Scotland, its debts were landed on the completely clueless American Public.

This ultimately led to the First World War, but let's pause here at 1906-07, when The United States of America, Incorporated, was being entered into bankruptcy and the time period just prior to that--- 1900 to 1904, when the bankruptcy was being prepared.

After all, there had to be an effective means to extract the payment out of the American Public for the bills that the bankrupt Scottish Corporation had run up in our names. Right?

So now, we need to study the Insular Tariff Cases, which ostensibly dealt with foreign subject matter quite unrelated to the corporate bankruptcy scheme, but ultimately setting things up to administer the phony bankruptcy.

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