Article 4413 - The "Opinions" of the U.S. Supreme Court and the Supreme Court of the United States

9 months ago

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Article 4413 Video - The "Opinions" of the U.S. Supreme Court and the Supreme Court of the United States - Sunday, October 8, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Opinions of Supreme Court Justices are literally opinions, like anyone else's opinions --- they argue, they fuss, they fight, they try to reason their way through things --- and in the end, they express their opinions.

What a let down, eh?

It turns out that college is a boring waste of time, childbirth is survivable, most doctors can't cure toenail fungus, and all these mighty Supreme Black Robes have to offer is an opinion --- often sprinkled with a lot of "dissent" as in "dissenting opinion".

Nearly all their decisions sound like a semi-scholarly cat fight, with the Girls from Dorm B against the Boys from Dorm D.

You are left with the definite feeling that--- my God in Heaven, if this, a "majority opinion" rendered by nine people who can't think straight or find their moral compass with a flashlight, is all we have to offer as the decisive voice of sanity and justice in this country, we might as well strip naked, shoot up, and dance in the streets.

Oh, wait, that's what the Californians have been doing for years and years....

Please note that there are several "supreme courts" and my regular Readers will notice the difference between the U.S. Supreme Court and the Supreme Court of the United States for starters.

Once in a great while in a sordid, twisted, backdoor way, like people trying to disguise a fart, one of these Supreme Courts will render a decision that makes sense and might give service to humanity.

When that happens, I pinch myself, hard.

Here, against all odds, is one of those decisions worth remembering:

Beys AFROYIM, Petitioner, v Dean RUSK, Secretary of State, Supreme Court (of the United States), US Law, Lll, Legal Information Institute.

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