6 months ago

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Jazmine Barraza

The Appliance Studio

The Detail Studio

Welcome to another engaging episode of The Eight Podcast! In this installment, we're thrilled to host Jazmine Barraza, a dynamic entrepreneur and skilled welder with a flair for balancing business and family life.

Jazmine is the driving force behind two successful ventures. At The Appliance Studio, she caters to the essential needs of households, offering a curated selection of home appliances that blend functionality with style. Her second venture, The Detail Studio, is where automobiles get rejuvenated, specializing in thorough detailing and eye-catching car wraps.

But there's more to Jazmine than her entrepreneurial spirit. She shares her journey from being a hands-on welder - a skill she reserves now for personal projects and close acquaintances - to steering her businesses. Alongside her professional endeavors, Jazmine is a devoted mother of two, navigating the challenges and joys of parenthood.

Join us as we dive into Jazmine's story, exploring how she merges her technical skills with business acumen, and how she manages the delicate balance between her professional ambitions and her role as a mother. It's a conversation brimming with insights, inspiration, and the indomitable spirit of a woman who wears multiple hats with grace and efficiency.

Tune in to The Eight Podcast for this inspiring dialogue with Jazmine Barraza, a true testament to versatility and passion in the modern entrepreneurial landscape.

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