Take A Moment To...Wait!

10 months ago

The Power of Learning To Wait! Take A Moment To... is a thought-provoking daily topic designed to inspire and encourage you to take a moment to pause and ponder how the message is applicable to every day life.

In this video, I'm going to talk about waiting on the Lord. Waiting on the Lord can be a difficult task, but it's one that is essential in our journey to follow Christ.

Waiting on the Lord implies trust, patience, and a willingness to accept His timing. When we wait on the Lord, we learn to trust that He will always work in our lives for our good. We learn to be patient and to hold on to our hope despite the challenges we face. And most importantly, we learn to wait on the Lord in prayer.

So whether you're waiting for a test result, for someone to come back online, or for something else entirely, take a moment to wait on the Lord.

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