Learn Synthesis with VCV Rack S02E03 - Retro Drum Making with Befaco Percussion & Noise Modules

7 months ago

As we look through the many module libraries available for VCV Rack, the free virtual Eurorack modeling software, we spend this episode looking at the noise generator, step sequencer, percussion envelope, and other percussion modules in the Befaco module set. Befaco has some truly powerful tools for making synthesized percussion sounds. This episode covers a number of synthesis techniques for designing retro drum sounds. The episode concludes with a survey of the different modules not covered in the first 3 episodes of this series so that the viewer knows all of what is in the Befaco module set. The noise generator from Befaco has a lot of possibilities that go well beyond percussion sounds and is very useful for making atmospheric noise sounds. The Kickall module is very useful for kick drums of various timbres as well as toms. It also has a pitch bending feature. We see how to use it with the step sequencer as well as with MIDI. Overall, this episode is very informative for those who want to learn about the Befaco modules as well as those who are interested in creating their own drum sounds.


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