Blown Mic's, Gumbi Gold Goombahs, And Busted Tonsils' Tuff Guys!

1 year ago

Slo-Vids Thinks he can out Troll Mr. Cox..... I KNOW - Goombah LOSERS - LIKE TONY, PDF, AND now This SLO-Vids Guy - trying to blast me- just cause I Put eyeballs In Their chats - They've already been prepped and waiting for Mr. Cox to show up. But By Whom....? Hmmmm... Gooombah wops like Slo-Vids - you were just the next easy fish to become content...... No Wonder you gotta try and tie ME with Tony and alllll These other idiots... ? Good Try Tho....... Oh Yeah, To the Trolls...... SLO-Vids is sayin' that if you even troll or try to correct a sicko - You're Supporting.......... HOW's That Logic WOrk? Pred Catchers Troll - and grease the wheels of sickos - To Catch em.... So How Ya Gonna Do It then THere SLo-Vids? Tell EveryBODY How To DO IT THEN huh?Dork...... Hot Heads like this guy - sometimes end up the traffickers - trying to get the first on the scene guys, detectives, and investigators - To NOT SHOW UP..... See, Mr. SLo-Vids, He is the type to run from the fire and watch the damage happen, and then tell the first responders how horrible of a job they did, just cause they didn't listen TO HIM - ON HOW TO DIRECT THE SHOW...... and Disrespect the first responders, THAT GO TOWARDS THE FIRE......

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