December Disclosure, New System, Increase Crystalline, Pleiasians 12-06-23

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This will be a conversation with the Universal Beings. It's a time when you can ask questions if you'd like.


Healing and the Crystalline Energies


- What can we do to support the ascension process of mankind?

- Good evening Crystallia , I have been suffering a lot from ascension syptoms since this weekend with these huge solar flares/storms and I knw many others have as well with a lot of head pressure and digestive issues. How can we balance these ascension symptoms a bit? Can we call upon you or the Galactics for relief ?
Or do you have any suggestions how to call for help and what we can do when we feel overwhelmed with these energies? Thank you!


Disclosure, New Financial System


38:00- If a person has an entity attachment and is very ill and extremely depleted of energy, and such person does the medbed. What will happen to the entity?

42:00- There are Venusians on Venus. I have read they are androgynous. Are there beings on other planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto etc? We hear often about Venus and Mars but not much about other planets.

46:50- Who is commander Ashtar? where does he come from? Is he from our Universe? Who is his commander?

49:20- Would medbed treatment (when available) be able to clear stored emotions, stored trauma memory, or ancestral memories of injuries? If not how can we clear these?

50:05- Have the citizens of both Israel and Palestine come together to fight their common enemy Hamas? Is the war over and are the cease fires posted by Hamas or are they false flags from the good guys? Love and many thanks for the updates.

53:34- There is a company, Euronet, buying up ATM’s in Europe near tourist areas and charging 6% to 15%. Is there an alternative motive or agenda besides making money?

55:00- Is my money safe in the bank?

57:50- Here in the UK we are currently undergoing the hearings for the covid inquiries.
However, lots of people are asking when are they going to start an inquiry into the vax and the fatalities that occured and still people with ongoing underlying problems produced after being given this stuff and how long to we have to wait to hear this come out not here in the UK but across the world.

1:02:18- What will happen to the Mexican cartels in league with the United States?

1:02:30- Will Albayon and others stay for us to see after the disclosure?

1:03:08- Will this financial disclosure make the public chaos and make people hoard food?

1:04:28- Is our Christmas really Dec.25?

1:07:15- Will human reptilian shapeshifters be exposed in physical as we rise in frequency with these solar flares? Many celebs are compromised & sold their soul - will we see exposure at the same time as financial system?

1:09:51- Doesn`t the food system has to change as well when it comes to continuing feeling the benefits of the med beds?

1:11:44- How soon after/during the financial collapse will we see the compromised religious organizations be exposed?
Are we going to be hit with all these truths at once? How should we prepare for humanity`s reaction?

1:13:10- What is the use of Orgonites energy?

1:15:55- Do the ULB`s work with the Galactic Federation of Light?

1:16:55- Can you adress the waves of Ascension or blue light waves?


The Pleiadians, The Universe and the Ascension


1:25:20- Can you adress the waves of Ascension or blue light waves?

1:28:00- If humans have DNA from all 12 races, does this mean that when we are fully completely activated, we will have all their abilities combined, that we will be more powerfull, so to speak, than them?

1:29:55- When I hear about Pleiadian princess or that there is a Princes on the Pleiads I cannot understand how is such hierarchy possible there. Does she exist in your star system?

1:31:19- What are your perspectives on ear piercings? Do some 5D populations out there wear jewelry?

1:31:52- When will humanity see and feel that the suppression upon us (taxes, slavery, etc) be released off of humanity? Will it happen in 2023?

1:32:10- Why is there so much information coming out about how bad AI (artificial intelligence) really is. How can we trust it going forward. Will AI be part of the new earth frequencies or is it a trap?

1:34:00- Did the attack on Maui remove all DUMBs? What good has come of it?

1:34:46- What is your perception of God ? Can you see or interact with him?

1:36:40- All these beings: Pleiadians, Arcturians... do they all live 1.000 years or so? How is that determined?

1:37:50- We have multiple selves, terran and/or ET, attached to a highself and multiple higher selves attached to an oversoul.
Do they coordinate their efforts to ascend? if so how and why?

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