Howard Phillips - Conservative Roundtable #100: Nellie Gray, March for Life Founder and Pro-Life Leader + March Footage (July 1995)

1 year ago

"Nellie Gray, Founder and Leader of 'March for Life' joins Howard Phillips on Conservative Roundtable to discuss the creation of the organization and methods to protest abortion, as well as the cultural consequences of Roe v. Wade. March for Life is the nation's largest pro-life march which is held every January in Washington, DC, drawing hundreds of thousands of participants from across the country.

Also watch our "God Bless America" 3 minute Tribute video to the March For Life and Nellie Gray:

Nellie Gray Tribute: God Bless America

This is a classic edition of Conservative Roundtable from about 10 years ago, with a special introduction by Lt. Col. Oliver North, the nationally broadcast conservative television program of The Conservative Caucus hosted by Howard Phillips, and produced by Art Harman."

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(Used under fair use, for commentary, education, criticism and satire.)

This video is for educational, entertainment and social commentary purposes only. The links provided are solely for copyright and sourcing purposes.

* TCCTV. "Nellie Gray, March for Life Founder and Pro-Life Leader + March Footage"., 12 Jul. 2007. <>

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