🇧🇾 President Lukashenko of Belarus absolutely exposes the #Covid agenda and asks :

6 months ago

🚨🚨🚨🇧🇾 President Lukashenko of Belarus absolutely exposes the #Covid agenda and asks :

(1) is it a virus or is it psychosis?

(2) Is the virus, ‘man made’ or did it appear out of thin air?

(3) Who benefits the most from this?

The only reason that ordinary people don’t know what’s going on is because the media is complicit in trying to implement #Agenda2030🤷‍♂️

“I would like to tell the international criminals : ENOUGH is ENOUGH!!! You’ve turned our pockets inside out and undressed everyone already, there is nothing left to take!! STOP it now!!! You’ve tortured the people enough”

You know what shocks me the most about this #Covid #Vaccine situation? The majority of world leaders KNOW that this whole thing was orchestrated and is destroying their own people but they are too scared to actually do something about it - Which group in the world is so powerful that they can try to attempt to take over the entire world, while killing millions of people and no one can do a damn thing about it? This group is so dangerous and powerful that that have been killing and destroying people financially for almost 4 years now!! Until today, no one has called them out or exposed them or done anything to stop them?

Let me ask you again….Who the hell are we up against?

Do you understand that this group felt comfortable enough to run a coup d’état on the entire world? How infiltrated are we? How long must the world have been infiltrated for these guys to feel comfortable enough to try and take over the entire world? They clearly own the media and clearly have infiltrated our governments BUT it goes much much deeper than that, because corporations and organizations are also clearly involved……..

The people that run this world and tried to subjugate humanity are clearly VERY EVIL and clearly WORK TOGETHER internationally to achieve their sinister goals!! It should also be CLEAR to you that these people have been working together for 100s, if not 1000s of years to achieve their goals

These people own the media, our governments, our judiciaries and everything else🤷‍♂️

The world is ran by a bunch of evil psychopaths that are trying to enslave us in guise of saving the planet - Please, WAKE UP and help humanity FIGHT BACK against these demons!!!!

#NWO #Illuminati #Vaccine #TheGreatReset

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