116. The RIGHT Nitric Oxide Supplement

1 year ago

Dr. Nathan Bryan-drnathanbryan@gmail.com
Translating nitric oxide science into clinical medicine.
Dr. Bryan earned his undergraduate Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry from the University of Texas at Austin and his doctoral degree from Louisiana State University School of Medicine in Shreveport where he was the recipient of the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Research. He pursued his post-doctoral training as a Kirschstein Fellow at Boston University School of Medicine in the Whitaker Cardiovascular Institute. After a two year post-doctoral fellowship, in 2006 Dr. Bryan was recruited to join faculty at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston by Ferid Murad, M.D., Ph.D., 1998 Nobel Laureate in Medicine or Physiology.

Dr. Bryan has been involved in nitric oxide research for the past 20 years and has made many seminal discoveries in the field. His many seminal discoveries have resulted dozens of issued US and International patents and the product technology resulting from his discoveries and inventions has improved patient care worldwide. Dr. Bryan is a successful entrepreneur and Founder of HumanN, Inc, Pneuma Nitric Oxide, LLC, Nitric Oxide Innovations, LLC, Bryan Nitriceuticals, LLC and Bryan Therapeutics, Inc.

His companies and product technology are responsible for more than one billion dollars in product sales worldwide. Most recently, Dr. Bryan serves as Founder and CEO of Bryan Therapeutics, Inc., a privately-held, clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company that is actively engaged in the discovery and development of nitric oxide-based therapies. BTI has active drug development programs in heart disease, Alzheimer’s’ Disease and topical drugs for diabetic ulcer and non-healing wounds. Dr. Bryan is an international leader in molecular medicine and nitric oxide biochemistry.

12:25:54 From Steve : Are the saliva NO testing strips accurate?
12:34:20 From Joel B Peterson : Can you put a link to your products in chat, and thank you for the class!
12:35:55 From Suzanne Jaffe-Stillman : Nathan you are talking too fast--so much great information but slower please.
12:36:14 From Wayne : could you give us your answer to the comment about NO w/ Geo Dinkov interviewed by Mercola: "NO & superoxide combine almost instantaneously to form a very pernicious reactive nitrogen species called peroxynitrite, which causes pervasive damage to tissues in your body"
12:36:36 From LairdWellness.com To Suzanne Jaffe-Stillman(privately) : It’s being recorded - no worries! 🙂
12:38:03 From Suzanne Jaffe-Stillman To LairdWellness.com(privately) : Thank you! Will we have the link to the recording with slides ?
12:38:18 From LairdWellness.com To Suzanne Jaffe-Stillman(privately) : I will ask if Dr. Nathan is willing.
12:38:30 From Wayne : put in context, the Mercola interview was referencing LA which causes "the influx of calcium inside the cell which causes NO & superoxide to increase inside the cell"
12:38:39 From LairdWellness.com To Suzanne Jaffe-Stillman(privately) : For the slides, that is. The recording will be released when Dr. Lewis puts it on Rumble.
12:40:05 From Steve : Replying to "could you give us yo..."

I've read about this many times - could all the researchers be wrong about this? Hard to believe.
12:41:37 From Suzanne Jaffe-Stillman To LairdWellness.com(privately) : Your are so helpful thanks Will this be repeated on Wednesday at 6:00 with Dr. Lewis as my fiancé is a dentist and working this morning.
12:41:51 From eileen armes : does this help varicose veins?
12:42:01 From LairdWellness.com To Suzanne Jaffe-Stillman(privately) : Yes - another live presentation on this from Dr. Nathan.
12:43:38 From Brenda : Can you still gargle with salt water and iodine?
12:44:09 From Brenda : Also, Is it okay to use Biocidin dental products?
12:44:30 From sylviamaer@aol.com : Any thoughts on use for Parkinson’s disease?
12:45:24 From iPhone : Berkeley life?
12:45:45 From Patricia Hinojosa : can we use the HOCl to gargle ?
12:46:13 From Wendie : Do you recommend DiOxy Rinse be Stopped?
12:46:20 From Martha Stark, MD : Dr. Bryan said he could it done in 45 minutes – it was absolutely brilliant – and he got it done in exactly 45 minutes!!!
12:46:48 From LairdWellness.com : https://n1o1.com/
12:47:03 From Wayne : yes - LA is linoleic acid
12:47:14 From LairdWellness.com : https://drnathansbryan.com/
12:47:18 From Sharon K : Does the logenze or topical (along w Omega 3's) restore elasticity integrity to arteries ?
12:47:56 From Suzanne Jaffe-Stillman To LairdWellness.com(privately) : Question: if you have blood cancer is there a problem or could there be a benefit or don't you know?
12:48:42 From Sharon K : Stop colloidal silver rinse?
12:49:09 From iPhone : How does psychological or emotional stress affect NO?
12:50:17 From iPhone : What kind of toothpaste or oral care products does Nathan like best?
12:50:25 From Brenda’s iPhone : Is humanN neo40 one of his products?
12:51:34 From margaret vestal : Do u recommend oral probiotics?
12:52:15 From sylviamaer@aol.com : Use with aortic valve stenosis?
12:53:35 From Kofi Adega : Any efficacy for stroke?
12:54:57 From Steve : Excellent re toothpage. Plz don't use glycerine, xylitol, or essential oils
12:55:54 From John : What do you think about Advanced Bionutritional’s CircO2 product ?

12:56:48 From Wayne : I enjoyed your interview with Dhru Purohit. Have you done others? I wonder if Mercola would be more likely to interview you if he sees your other interviews. He often changes his mind on things: most recently abandoned his "fat for fuel" mantra after listening to Geo Dinkov mercola only recently got on this anti-NO kick since he embraced Geo Dinkov. BTW, I get concerned
12:57:18 From Nina Roark : Is Revitin toothpaste safe?
12:59:44 From Suzanne Jaffe-Stillman To LairdWellness.com(privately) : For dental products, we have a top dental office in west LA and love to work with you carlstondentalgroup.com Dr. Dean Carlston DDS cell 310-413-1733 home 310-9797101 me Suzanne Stillman home number the same cell 310-502-4442 sjs@fiberwater for both of us. I am an inventor in the health care industry www.fiberwater.com. thank you?
13:00:58 From iPhone : How does psychological or emotional stress affect NO?
13:01:05 From virginiamiller : wILL IT HELP WITH Sjogren's ?
13:01:28 From Doris Fellenz : I don't see your products on your site.
13:02:05 From LairdWellness.com : https://n1o1.com/product/n-o-beetz/
13:02:13 From virginiamiller : wHAT ABOUT amd?
13:02:21 From iPhone : Fantastic presentation, thank you for your work
13:02:38 From LairdWellness.com : https://n1o1.com/shop-all
13:03:26 From Doug Leonard : One of the BEST-Fantastic!
13:03:32 From Shoshanna : Thank you so much!
13:04:10 From Pam "east coast" Iowa, US : Thank you Dr Bryan! Great information!
13:05:03 From LairdWellness.com To Olin Idol(privately) : Olin! Scott here. I’ll send you a link to the presentation. I think you would find it very interesting as it relates to BeetMax.\
13:05:16 From Wendie : What about the Endocalyx Pro capsules?
13:07:14 From Patricia Hinojosa : thank you
13:10:27 From Brenda : What is the name of the topical for acne?
13:10:40 From Brenda : Dr. Bryan is slated for Wed in the email.
13:12:00 From Wayne : I trust that this was recorded and wonder if we could re-listen to this before Wednesday? Regardless, I want to hear you again on Wednesday.
13:13:16 From Steve : Will this help restore vagus nerve function?
13:13:29 From Brenda : Is the NO age defiance serum the one for acne?

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