Our friend Daniel from Holland has been sectioned in a Mental Hospital, please show your support.

7 months ago

On Friday 1st December our friend Daniel from Holland was sectioned under the mental health act. Daniel was told originally that he would be out on Monday 4th December 2023, but they have now decided they may keep him in for another couple of weeks.

Daniel is being held on a Psyche ward due to him being honest and telling the truth about being a Targeted Individual. God bless you Daniel, we're all here for you mate.

This is where Daniel Azulay is being held;

Post address:
UMC Utrecht
Zorglijn Diagnostiek & Vroege Psychose T.A.V. Psychiatrisch Team
Huispost A00.241
Postbus 85500
3508 GA Utrecht

Phone number:

E-Mail: KliniekA3@umcutrecht.nl

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