[W.D.I.M.] Star Wars Battlefront 2- Difficulty Tweak December #1

1 year ago

Making a return to Battlefront 2 campaign to try out each difficulty on Difficulty Tweak December. See how each one plays out and how hard they truly are.

*Other Channels: http://linktr.ee/hk47

*Collectibles guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tFqRqvbT6A&pp=ygUaYmF0dGxlZnJvbnQgMiBjb2xsZWN0aWJsZXM%3D

*Difficulty Timestamps---
-Skip intro to Explorer: 2:47
-Soldier: 1:04:05
-Special Forces: 1:52:50

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