Why I love AOScanner Solex Technology - Plus Cost & Bonuses!!!! Love it :-)

5 months ago



To purchase/check them out... go to my website:

MADONNA GUY (if you're asked my name) - you'll be in my support team of Frequency Soul Healers!!


So much fun!

here's the website if anyone wants to poke around and have a look at all the amazing things they offer!
Do you ever feel sick, run down, depressed, in pain, and you can't figure out why? If so, what are you doing about it?
Some people spend thousands of dollars and countless hours in doctor’s offices trying to find answers to their ailments, only to end up frustrated and discouraged when even the best medical testing methods cannot determine the root cause of their symptoms.


What if there was a self-diagnostic tool that is more accurate than Ultrasound, MRI, or CT Scans, that you can perform on yourself, in the privacy of your own home in less than 15 minutes. And what if you could print out a detailed report on your specific ailments, targeting the root causes, review that report with your health practitioner and apply an immediate response therapy? Well now you can!


Introducing the SOLEX AO SCANNER!
The SOLEX AO Scanner is a hand-held, noninvasive, bioresonance device that scans and evaluates the entire body’s natural magnetic field frequencies to detect abnormalities in cells, tissues, organs, and even skeletal functions. Disturbances in these frequencies is often a key indicator of distress and/or disease. When abnormalities are discovered, the SOLEX AO Scanner resets the body’s natural frequencies to promote optimal health and help prevent disease from manifesting.

It is especially important to remember that AO scanning is using frequencies and NOT chemistry or electricity. This makes it perfectly safe to use with pacemakers, transplants, children and or pregnancy. The results from a scan equate to a frequency reading or exposure to frequencies, not a diagnosis of event.

How Effective Is the SOLEX AO Scanner?
"The future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies."
Albert Einstein

Most clients say that they can feel the difference immediately! Typical comments are; an overall sense of wellness, feeling rejuvenated and energized. Not only will the SOLEX AO Scanner provide you with an accurate assessment of the imbalanced frequencies in your body, it will also provide you with an immediate optimization treatment, as well as an on-going comprehensive plan of action to maintain optimal functioning of your physical and emotional needs.

When this technology was compared with conventional diagnostic methods of Ultrasound, CT-Scan and MRI, the SOLEX AO Comprehensive Scan showed to be far more accurate:

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