Hot flashes reduced by 95% through microbiome diet Ep.1164 NOV 2023

1 year ago

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine has conducted a study that shows a low-fat vegan diet, which includes soy, can significantly reduce postmenopausal vasomotor symptoms, commonly known as hot flashes. The study observed a 95% decrease in hot flashes overall, while severe hot flashes were completely eliminated. Moderate-to-severe hot flashes decreased by 96%, and daytime and nighttime hot flashes reduced by 96% and 94%, respectively. In addition, participants on the vegan diet lost an average of 6.4 pounds.

#MenopauseRelief #HotFlashes #NightSweats

Kahleova, H., Holtz, D. N., Strom, N., La Reau, A., Kolipaka, S., Schmidt, N., Hata, E., Znayenko-Miller, T., Holubkov, R., & Barnard, N. D. (2023). A dietary intervention for postmenopausal hot flashes: A potential role of gut microbiome. An exploratory analysis. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 79, 103002.

Vegan diet, gut microbiome, hot flashes, low-fat vegan diet, menopause, soybeans, plant-based diet, menopausal symptoms, WAVS trial, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, postmenopausal vasomotor symptoms, moderate-to-severe hot flashes, Fusicatenibacter, Holdemanella

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