Find The Queen - Complete hive inspection of all four hives and a fresh bucket of syrup for each.

5 years ago

Find The Queen - Complete hive inspection of all four hives and a fresh bucket of syrup for each. Winter beehive preparation. Checking stores, reducing entrances, feeding the bees, and finding the queens. Full late fall hive inspection of all hives. While looking for the queen I noticed several of the hives being more aggressive than usual and the VSH queen is being very aggressive. The VSH queen was bought from California and I am wondering if she may have some Africanized genetics in her. The bees behave like the bees in videos I have seen where the bees have been Africanized and they have many more guard bees who attack on a whim. either way, the hives are aggressive this time of year and they don't care that I am feeding them sugar syrup all they know is that I am a foreigner to their hive so I must be trying to rob them.
#hiveinspection #queenbee #beehive #flowhive #beekeeping #flowhive2 #honey #nectar #organic #bee

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