Expanded Map, Free Camera, Portable Junkyard | Burnout Paradise Remastered Mods

1 year ago

Burnout Paradise Remastered has plenty of mods, ranging from quality-of-life fixes (because this port was done so well, right?), to graphics changes, to small map extensions. This video covers some of these mods. Old to the New opens up certain areas of the map, BPR Modder has a collection of mods available, BPR Speed Patch features quality-of-life changes, and the Free Camera mod is always useful.

0:00 - You are Not Seeing Double
0:28 - New Areas
5:30 - Swapping Boost Types + Stunt Run
8:04 - Portable Junkyard + Changing Wheels
10:34 - Driving a Bus
14:43 - Road Rage with a Sedan
17:54 - List of Playable Traffic Cars and....Trailers?
19:07 - Changing Colors + Camera Adjustments
20:32 - Marked Man w/Changing Boost

Old to the New by frameboost - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEr__N5fp9Q
BPR Modder - https://bpr.bo98.uk/
BPR Speed Patch - https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/2058-bpr-speed-patch/
Free Camera - https://matty-ross.github.io/bpr-mods/

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