Pride is the Fruit of Hate...

7 months ago

Do you know who brought hate and war into this world?

War did not start here. It started in heaven. Revelation 12, “And there was war in heaven”

Who made war in heaven?

Lucifer the devil who was created as an archangel.

But because of his freedom of choice, he hated God.

He hated God because he doesn’t want to be under the command of God who created him. He got a swell head.

He wanted to be god himself. So, he hated Him who hath commanded him because God was the One who created him.

But then, pride rose into his heart. Pride is the fruit of hate.

When you hate someone, you’ll have pride against someone; you will put yourself up against someone.

And with that hate, with that power of hate, with that power and opportunity that you have, especially if you have money, especially if you have a position, then, you are empowering yourself to do anything you want to do according to the dictate of the hate that is in your heart.

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