Prayer | 30 DAYS TO SAY - Day 04 - Doer of the Word - Marty Grisham of Loudmouth Prayer

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I want to hear from you! Let me know how we can join our faith with yours by writing me at - Marty G

The Bible says, in the book of James, that I am to be a DOER, not a hearer only. I’m a good hearer—I’m anointed of GOD to be a hearer—but I’m not anointed of God to be a hearer ONLY.
I’m not anointed of God to be a hearer only.
My hearing should always have follow-through.
I should always hear and then have something to DO.
I am a doer of the Word.
I do what I hear when I accept it as truth,
Because when it’s truth unto me,
It clearly becomes FAITH unto me.
And then I act on that faith,
And I do the Word I’ve heard.
I am a doer of the Word,
Not a hearer only.
I follow the Holy Ghost
The Ghost with the Most.
I am a spirit, I have a soul, and I live in a body. So from my spirit I hear the Word and I do it. I DO IT. The reason why I’m not JUST a believer, but also a RECEIVER of the things of God, is because I’m not just a HEARER, but I’m a DOER also. When I hear the Word, when I read the Word of God, specific points of light bring divine clarification to me, causing me to clearly see what needs to be done—as a doer, not a hearer only.
So today I’m going to walk my way
With the Word I choose to obey.
I’ll confess the Word over my life this day,
Because that ALSO is action: being a doer of the Word.
I don’t just hear the word. I do it. I’m a divinely anointed Doer of the Word.
The Ghost with the Most has given me all I need
In this life to succeed,
But I’ve gotta do my part,
And that’s just not PART of what I’m supposed to do.
I must do the FULLNESS in ALL that I’m supposed to do,
For I hear and I obey.
I trust and I obey.
I have faith, and I actively pursue
The thing that I believe, as I do.
I’m a doer of the Word, not a hearer only. I’m a doer of the Word TODAY, not a hearer only.
I’m a doer of the Word today, not a hearer only. In the name of Jesus: Praise God, Hallelujah!

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