HTRAOC - David si Betty Funderburk au participat la programul de Craciun “Fashion Show 1995”

1 year ago

HTRAOC - David si Betty Funderburk au participat la programul de Craciun “Fashion Show 1995”

David Funderburk & wife Betty, former USA Ambassador to Romania, a participat la biserica noastră la programul de Craciun “Fashion Show 1995”, organizat în sala mare parohială de către Reuniunea de Doamne.


HTRAOC -1995 Fashion Show, attended by HH David and Betty Funderburk

1995 Fashion Show. Organized by the Ladies Auxiliary and the Youth of the parish, the 1995 Fashion Show was attended by HH David Funderburk & wife Betty (former USA Ambassador to Romania, during Ceausescu's era). One of the most important moments during the video: The Ambassador is addressing the participants.

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