Unlocking Mysteries The Lesser Ritual Of The Pentagram - LBRP &LIRP explained

6 months ago

A basic simple description of the The Lesser Ritual Of The Pentagram the differences between the LBRP & LIRP and how to banish negative energy and how to invoke positive energy

Qabalistic Cross
Face east.
Touching forehead say 'ATEH' ('Thou art' )
Touch breast. Say 'MALKUTH' ('The Kingdom' )
Touch right shoulder. Say 'VE-GEBURAH' ('The Power' )
Touch left shoulder. Say 'VE-GEDULAH' ('and the Glory')
Clasp hands at the heart thee. Say 'LE-OLAM' ('forever') and say 'AMEN'

LBRP To banish begin at the lower left point, then up to the top, continue
LIRP To invoke begin at the top and go down to the left point
It is recommended to start out with the LBRP for the 1st month

Make Pentagram with your index finger in the air towards the East the invoking Pentagram vibrate the Deity
Name Yod-He-Vau-He imagining that your voice carries forward to the East of the Universe.
Make Pentagram to the South, and vibrate the diety name 'Adonai'
Go to the West, make the Pentagram and vibrate 'Eheieh'.
Go to the North, make the Pentagram and vibrate 'Agla' .

Return to the East
Stand with arms outstretched in the form of a cross and say:
'Before me Raphael,
Behind me Gabriel,
On my right Michael,
On my left Auriel!
Before me flames the Pentagram
Behind me shines the six-rayed star!'
Again make the Qabalistic Cross as directed above

For Banishing use the same Ritual, but reversing the direction of the lines of the Pentagram.

1. As a form of prayer t. The names should be pronounced inwardly in the breath vibrating it as much as possible.

2. As a protection against negative energy the Banishing Ritual can be used to get rid of obsessing or disturbing thoughts.

3. This ritual can be done on the astral plane in your imagination, this is good practice to learn how to have out of body experiences.

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