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denial is a strange thing

1 year ago

let's talk about denial what it's like and what it's like to go through to deny that you have a problem maybe it's a problem with your church maybe it's a problem with people that you're around or maybe it's just a problem with yourself in general denial is a horrible thing because it's putting a mask on yourself and leading you to believe or somebody or not once that mask is taken off it can be quite painful there's been many amass that I have taken off and they have been extremely painful and I'm still taking off more myself being older and over the age of 55 has not been easy looking in the mirror and recognizing that I'm getting more and more gray-haired and not younger has not been easy to talk about or to share with other people but the worst part is denying who you are and who you're supposed to be and trying to be somebody you're not and that's why the internet is a dangerous place and we need to be real with people I hope you enjoy this message and I am warning you I am very ADHD and all tabs fly open so I do talk at random He might like it if you like to listen to somebody that talks that way but if you don't that's okay I will understand I try to get back on track basically denial should not be used ever in the church you should be transparent so people can see who you truly are and if you can't do something and you're trying to force yourself to do it because you think you're there to save the world I have news for you You're not the Savior Jesus is the one that died for us and we need to know the burden is not ours to carry


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