Sen. Ted Cruz grills FBI Director Chris Wray for concealing the Biden family's crimes

9 months ago

NEW — Sen. Ted Cruz grills FBI Director Chris Wray for concealing the Biden family's crimes despite clear evidence of unregistered foreign lobbying, money laundering, and bribery.

Cruz points to a damning text as "direct evidence," indicating Joe Biden's direct involvement in extorting millions from CEFC China Energy.

"The IRS whistleblower testified that when he tried to find out whether Joe Biden was sitting next to Hunter, that the DOJ blocked getting the GPS data on Joe Biden's phone."

"The IRS whistleblower testified that Assistant U.S. Attorney Leslie Wolf explicitly told investigators that despite having probable cause to search — there is no way a search warrant would be approved."

"The IRS whistleblowers have alleged that the Attorney General lied under oath — a felony."

Wray, however, consistently falls back on the excuse of an "ongoing investigation" to avoid answering a single question.

The Wall Street Journal reported last month that President Biden received money from Hunter and James Biden's deal with CEFC China Energy.

James Biden told FBI agents that he and Hunter were trying to help CEFC China Energy purchase U.S. energy assets, while they believed the company's chairman had direct ties to Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Rob Walker, a Biden business partner, also confirmed that President Biden attended a meeting with CEFC chairman Ye Jianming, who Hunter and James considered "a protégé of President Xi."

The Biden family received millions from CEFC China Energy, including a million-dollar wire transfer from CEFC's Patrick Ho, whom Hunter called "the spy chief of China," after Ho was arrested by the DOJ for bribing African politicians with millions in cash for their countries' oil rights.

In other words, President Biden attended meetings and received money from his family's business deal with CEFC China Energy, a company where his brother and son collaborated with individuals they described as "the spy chief of China" and "a protégé of President Xi."

Additionally, MarcoPolo, whom Hunter Biden is now suing, released a comprehensive 640-page Report on the Biden Laptop that meticulously documents 459 crimes committed by the Biden family and their associates.

The Report, which is available for free online, exposes how the FBI and DOJ are protecting the Biden family from prosecution despite conclusive evidence of unregistered foreign lobbying, money laundering, and bribery.

Simultaneously, President Biden's FBI and DOJ are prosecuting his chief political rival and the leading Republican presidential candidate, former President Donald Trump.


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