The Lovers be Strong Energy Vlog

1 year ago

The Lovers be Strong Energy Vlog Title is from the date December, 5, 2023 and the amplitude for the schumann resonance. The date ;gives us 24 or #6 The Lovers Card a harmonious relationship or a partnership Intuition and love.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site showed us five amplitudes. We start with a power of 30 at 10.00 AM UTC, The wheel of fortune brings the Empress back to her grace beauty and divine Earth mother. The high for the amplitude power of 35 or is it 38 at 11.00 AM UTC,thus Justice needs to be strong and brave. The A2 chart gave us a power of 43 at 11:45 AM UTC, thus Justice is coming swiftly, time to take charge. The last amplitude power of 34 at 12:45 PM UTC, The Hanged Man has a change of perspective regarding the swift chariot. The amplitude power of 38 thus #11 the Justice card. the quality power of 10.9, thus we have 10 the Wheel of Fortune card big karmic change. the Frequency average is 7.68 hertz, thus #21 the Universe or world card. Therefore , what we can say is the Lovers want harmony as the face Justice that is swift and fair before the world court.
The Space Weather News site showed us a class M CME popping off ninety degrees from us. The solar wind density is about 2 protons . The solar wind speed hit 620 (KPS). The Solar wind temperature is at 10,000 Kelvin. The Kp index of geomagnetic activity was mostly in the green with only one level of 3.25 we had several level threes so in the high Green zone.

I shared a clip from Jean-claude Beyond mystic 003 on rumble it was Biull holter on deck.

we went to the divine abundance Oracle deck to get two card the first was the Right Now do not get over your skis stay in the flow. The Second card is the grief , thus tears ae what happens when the ice in your heart melts. Just love that bit of porose.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site:
Space Weather News site:
the Jean Claude beyongmiysitc 003 video:

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