Unelected EU Head Asserts The Need For Digital ID

1 year ago

Unelected head of the EU, Ursula von der Leyen, asserts the need for an EU-wide digital ID, "that any citizen can use anywhere in Europe, to do anything from paying your taxes to renting a bicycle".

But once your digital ID has been connected to the EU's incoming CBDC (which is programmable), you won't be able to rent a bicycle, or participate in society at all, if the unelected technocrats running the EU decide you haven't been a good enough boy or girl, for whatever reason.

Maybe you didn't get all the injections they told you to get? Maybe you posted something they didn't like on social media? Or maybe you were overly critical of the unelected and totalitarian EU regime?

The point is, if digital ID and CBDCs are allowed to get off the ground, unelected technocrats can impose any conditions they wish, to determine whether or not you are able to participate in society. In other words, it's the vaccine passport on steroids.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azaOdC5Fsv0

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